Chinchi has Passes Away
I am sad to announced that my beloved and faithful companion and friend Chinchi has passed away. He had a long struggle with an unknown illness. I went to vet after vet after vet, but no one could tell me what was wrong with him. I had to make the hardest decision of my life, I had to let my friend go. Chinchi was euthanized on May 4,2007 at 11:25 AM. I still don't belive that my best friend is gone, but everyday I am grateful for having the opportunity to share my life with him. I know he is watching me and I am going to make him proud. Next year, I will be attending Unity College in Maine to major in an animal conservation and I will move to South Africa to help animals in need. Chinchi has made a tremendous impact on my life, so please keep his legacy alive and if anyone is interested in updating TXC (I am too busy to update) please email me ASAP. Thanks for supporting TXC and keep Chinchi in your hearts! Please sign my map below!  Powered by Bravenet

Texas Chinchilla is filled with plenty of colorful photograghs. For the young or old, Texas chinchilla is easy to navigate and easy to read and find information. Here you can learn on caring for your chin or hammie, learn about chinchillas in the wild and how can you save them. Chinjoy the new ChinchiWonderand and I hope you like it! |