~*~Whats Coming Up~*~
11/29/05- Im working on a new page for the site. I want to gather all the chin and hammie friendly vets across the USA and if thats successful, possibly other countries! If this works out the way I hope, it will be the biggest collection of chin and hammie friendly vets on the net! Hopefully by next summer it will be up and running. It may seem like a long time but I have to make a lot of phone calls and emails, plus I have school! I want this page to be perfect!
12/04/05- On Petco.com, Chinchi has a picture in the photo contest. Proudly he stands, Chinchi is 1 of 2 chinchillas in the photo contest! Support Chinchi and all chins everywhere and vote for his picture and give him 4 stars! Also, Rocky is in the 1800 PetMeds Photo Contest. To vote for Rocky click on the links below and please give him a 10!
Halloween Picture
Rocky Upside Down on Sofa Picture
12/27/05- A new page was added today, TXC Art Page. I am now drawing and painting for the public. Check out the new page and see if you would like me to draw your pet! To see some of my artwork click on this link: http://www.texaschinchilla.20m.com/photo4.html
1/11/06- My Blue has died today. He lived to be only 3 years old. He died around 8:45 tonight. I heard screaming from the bird cage, I looked at it and saw blue on the floor. He looked at me and then he passed away.
2/17/06- Chinchi is doing very good from his fur ring removal. Im so proud of him. Also, this morning on Petsmart, Chinchi is Smart Pet of the Day. Go to Petsmart.com and check him out!
10/09/06- On October 25,2006 Chinchi will be celebrating his 5th birthday. As a surprise birthday present, I and the help of others will be building Chinchi a high quality cage with all the features a chinchilla can dream of. This is my gratitude to Chinchi for his five years of freindship. Please email me at texaschinchilla@yahoo.com to send Chinchi birthday wishes. I will print out all the birthday wishes and hang them on Chinchi's new cage so he can see how many people he has touched.